Edge Impulse Goes Industrial

Apply to our early access program and gain exclusive access to a suite of tools and models designed for industrial applications.*

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*Available for Enterprise Plan Users

New Features Built for Edge Professionals


Unlock industrial object detection with a model built from the ground up to outperform existing YOLO architectures.

Application Behavior

Understand and improve your model performance in real-world industrial scenarios.

Model Monitoring

Scale your deployment and monitoring of your models in production and detect potential issues fast.


Object Detection for Edge Professionals

First object detection model trained with extensive industrial datasets for optimal performance in real-world industrial scenarios. Optimized and available in various sizes to run efficiently on edge devices from CPUs to accelerators to GPUs.

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Application Behavior

Tune your Model for Real-World Performance

Optimize your model with your end goal in mind. Don’t just stop at the model, train an ML pipeline that is tuned based on your application. We support applications such as sound and speech detection, object counting, fall detection and many more.

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Model Monitoring

Deploy in Production with Confidence

Continuously enhance your models with real-world data, optimizing performance and ensuring reliability. Our Model Monitoring solution streamlines the entire lifecycle, from development to production, enabling seamless integration with your preferred IoT infrastructure.*

* Starting with Linux-based systems

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Edge Impulse

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