Global Supplier Policy
Last updated:
May 26, 2023
Edge Impulse believes that its vendors and suppliers are a critical part of its business and team. As such, Edge Impulse vendors are required to adhere to this Global Supplier Policy, the same principles of which align to Edge Impulse’s Code of Conduct policy.
This Global Supplier Policy applies to Edge Impulse vendors and suppliers.
1. Compliance with Laws
Our vendors are required to follow and comply with all applicable laws. We expect our vendors to be ethical, fair and responsible whenever dealing with our people and company at large. This means that all Edge Impulse staff strictly adhere to and demonstrate the highest ethical and legal standards daily.
2. Respect
Our vendors respect and treat their colleagues, our people and others fairly in word and action. Edge Impulse has a zero tolerance policy for any kind of discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization.
3. Protection of Property
Our vendors treat property with respect and care including:
- Respect and protect all intellectual property (including that of the Company, customers, and others)
- Safeguard all property (Company, customers, and others) by following industry standard security practices.
4. Professionalism
Our vendors are expected to act with integrity and professionalism.
- No Corruption: We discourage vendors from giving or accepting gifts of other than a nominal nature. No gifts or payments to any government official are allowed. No anti-trust or anti-competitive business practices or even the appearance of such practices are tolerated.
- Performance: Our vendors should fulfill the agreed business objectives transparently, on-time, at or below agreed price and with the highest quality.
- No Conflict of Interest: Our vendors are expected to avoid any perceived or actual dealings which may hinder their ability to perform their job duties to the fullest extent possible.
- Communication: Our vendors should remain open to and actively participate in communications, seeking and sharing opportunities for feedback and improvement. Vendors are also expected to report any potential violations they see with this policy with any member of Edge Impulse senior management.
- Reputation: Our vendors are expected to communicate and act professionally, and in a manner that does not harm the reputation of the Company, its people, or others.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Our vendors are committed to creating and maintaining a culture which delivers outstanding performance and results - valuing all differences in background, upbringing, culture and experience that make each of us unique and distinctive.
- Anti Harassment: Our vendors demonstrate an ongoing commitment to fostering an anti-harassment work environment that protects Edge Impulse people against inappropriate actions, actions that are unwanted and unwelcome and/or which create an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work environment.
- Compliance with laws: Our vendors comply with all local laws and regulations.
- Professionalism: Our vendors are expected to act with integrity and professionalism.
Policy Violations
Edge Impulse may take action with any vendor who appears to fail to follow our Global Supplier Policy or follow our Code of Conduct. Actions may vary based on the severity of violation which can include up to termination of services and legal action.