Blog post

Unleash TinyML to detect COVID-19

By Zach Shelby
Unleash TinyML to detect COVID-19

The world is facing unprecedented health and humanitarian emergency, and we need to work together to support the world’s poorest and most vulnerable countries who will be hardest hit. We are proud to be supporting a joint effort between the UN Development Program and Hackster to mobilize the developer community to have a real impact: The COVID-19 Detect and Protect Challenge!

When Jan and I founded Edge Impulse, we thought a lot about our values and motivation. Those values are Empowerment (of both our team and users), User Obsession, and Technology for Good. We believe that ML can be used to have a positive impact on society, and this challenge really encompasses our values!

Machine learning is already having a big impact on health science. TinyML will have just as big of an impact on health by being able to better monitor people and their environment in real-time, with minimal cost and power consumption while preserving privacy. We are calling on the Edge Impulse community to put this technology and our infrastructure to work! If we can be of any help, please post in the forum. One great example of our community’s effort to fight COVID-19 is Kartik Thakore’s audio cough detection project.

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This challenge is open until June 30th to individuals or small teams to submit innovative ways to detect and protect the public and health workers. The top 10 submissions will be awarded $1500 in prizes and a Global UNDP Innovator Award. There are three main goals:

  1. Design replicable, low-cost tools to aid in coronavirus detection
  2. Flatten the curve in communities with preventive solutions
  3. Reduce the disease’s impact on economies of these vulnerable areas

Visit the challenge!

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